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Exile NAPF Feedback

  • matty1053
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8 years 10 months ago #5242 by matty1053
Exile NAPF Feedback was created by matty1053
I played a bit on NAPF... and in general for feedback...

Good map to pick (NAPF)
Great FPS on my end
Good missions and AI locations

Loot.... does it not spawn? Or am I missing something? I am in the Luzern city (NE on map). And I was in the town for a decent time... the only loot that spawned was just nearly useless loot. Flares, some scopes, and a few other knick knacs. I understand it's not a high loot server, but the loot seems to be VERY scarce... in the CAFE/PUB's (those corner buildings), I have found only one thing of loot in the entire buildings I searched (roughly like 3 of them I searched).

I would have to suggest, is increase the server loot maybe? Your former Taviana servers and Chernarus servers on Exile were very good in loot. I don't know why NAPF is not that good. I've been on other NAPF servers on Exile and the loot spawned decently, nothing OP at all. (Weapons were roughly a 1 in every 20 loot spawn would be there.).

None the less, I do very enjoy the server, and I am so glad you have it on NAPF.

I hope to hop on maybe tomorrow, for a bit and see if it is better.

Thanks, and see you on Exile!

-matt (aka ingame name is your father) don't ask, friend of mine decided to change my name to that lol
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