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- Invincibility Steam Roll Teamwork Guide for All Leaders/Players
Invincibility Steam Roll Teamwork Guide for All Leaders/Players
- Grump/Gump.45
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2 years 11 months ago - 2 years 11 months ago #33802
by Grump/Gump.45
Invincibility Steam Roll Teamwork Guide for All Leaders/Players was created by Grump/Gump.45
TL:DR (too long, didn't read):
Tank + APC + IFV + Anti-air vehicle + Super FOBs + logi repairs = Invincibility Security Network... You will all at some point be up against or apart this formation to some degree of its full potential effectiveness. This formation is one big booby trap. Once the enemy assets run into it getting reduced or all dead you have free reign over your enemy.
Only all these aspects together in view of each other in view distance of the objectives to support the infantry on objective will make you invincible. Other wise you will be considered isolated from the support and decreasing possible support to your team from you. The maps view distance is key to survival in Project Reality. Think about and feel why the view distance is set, then use it to your advantage.
You want 50 out of 50 of your team focused on the objective from your side of map to stay secure. Scan aggressively with eyes and ears for anything suspicious to get information on the battlefield. Request and remind all infantry to be listening posts for enemy armor sound direction.
Anti-air protects tanks and gives friendly CAS place to run for support. Maps without anti-air vehicle assets need to use the super FOB anti-air to control air space. Booby trap the air from the ground. Minimize incursions into enemy anti-air territory to grab and bait the enemy CAS, let them make the mistake of coming to you.
The enemy could use the same invincibility brigade formation to a certain degree either less or more than you. Assessment of enemy must be made to test their combat effectiveness to know if its safe to roll over them or if they have something that sends us away from them. Don't let the enemy move up physically or psychologically,
Area attack possibilities divided by Super FOBs, flags and tank positions (Flags, Super FOBs are not mobile so more likely to be area attacked, but tanks are high value).. Maintain artillery shell spread to deter enemy thinking area attack could be effective. IFV like the Bradley and BMP with anti-tank missiles support the tanks as mobile ATGM support. All lighter vehicles in view of the tanks will typically not be killed.
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All squad leaders. We have lots of new players. 3 simple things we accomplish within our squads to maintain teamwork standards.
1.) What we are doing, what kits we need, list off skill subject words needed to get their minds right, general list of options for objectives
2.) How the squad is going to move and work together within the squad and among all other squads
3.) Effective reaction to developments for your squad to survive, help another squad survive and complete objectives.
If you don't know what to say for your squad under the skills and movement for the best outcome while playing.. Simple instructions for your squad to repeat, it rhymes and is easy to remember.
-1 man per piece of cover, move cover 2 cover, stay in view of each other to save each other. Set spread to grenade, RPG, mortar, tank shell full time. 1 man hurt per explosion, 1 medic per man. 1 man hurt per tank shell. (Make enemy tank use 8 or more)
-Police up each others camouflage and exposure, let somebody know if they are sticking out. Do not fire unless you see the enemy see you, watch them until either the enemy or us goes out of view.
For reference on how to play based on FULL asset list, for the most powerful team. No other way around this, its what modern combat requires naturally for why the assets were developed to compliment each other.
-Tank + APC + Anti-Air vehicle + logi repairs + jeep all in view of each other, area attack spread, in view of the flags and infantry. USE TEAMWORK. Every vehicle has its role, but it needs to be used to its fullest potential realistically.
Example being the M1 Abrams tank has 10,000+ COAX rounds and not for accurate fire you all learned in Call Of Duty waiting to see a target. Its time to learn what that "random firing" in combat videos actually is.
Learn from "Combat Techniques of Fire" field manual. Learn intimately through your own perceptions on receiving end of bullets to identify 10+ specific uses of bullets. To understand their full physical psychological effect on the scale between Kill and Fear. (WATCH VIDEO BELOW FOR DEMONSTRATION).
The anti-air vehicles cover the air space for tanks to work in view distance of the flags, the APCs create dust trails, logi can shield or conceal the side of a tank. Endless tactics to try on the objectives to bring it all together.
That is the way DEVs intended us to play, this is the definition of Combined arms and this is a Combined Arms strategy teamwork FPS game. Basically emulating and simulating combat reality. You can divide area attack between super FOBs off flags, mobile tank positions off flags and the flag itself, they can only hit one.
Divide your enemies attention and leave no friendly un-supported, make enemy shoot at 2 or more things instead of one. Control your enemy, understand and manipulate their perceptions. Make them lose hope in winning giving them the feeling of lacking support.
A logi, APC or jeep can sit at distance in view of enemy tanks as long as its in view equally behind or among friendly tanks. Because its not a priority target during tank engagements of actual shooting or stand offs. That means no extra enemy tanks outnumbering. Logi follows in mortar spread, close enough to save vehicle on fire and shield it for repairs so 12 second or less distance.
This is what I call the Brigade booby trap formation where every asset compliments the other, naturally by its labeled role. But supplemented by the full potential behind each asset with their 1000s skills, tactics, observations, creative methods to protect your friendlies and manipulate the enemy
Everything follows the Omaha boat logic, 1 boat gets killed fast, but many spread out takes longer to kill and more things to shoot at.
In a 50 vs 50 situation in the jungle, contact is made all go prone on both sides. One team is peeking with dominance and "peek" superiority. Which readies them for fire superiority waiting for a target to present itself from other side completely in cover. 1 man on non-dominant team peeks goes down fast and easy, but all 50 at once popping up is too much.
But there is a little extra trick to this situational tactic, before the hidden in cover side peeks all 50 up, use the sound of bullets snapping over head of enemy positions. Concept of pre-fire. Aiming to where just before you would see your enemies head/body, getting as close to firing over their head without hitting it because if you can see their head then they can see your head. This will give sudden reaction of fire superiority, 3-4 rounds on semi-auto, all at once.
You hear somebody on your team do something, you do it too. This removes the need to communicate and plan every little thing, just follow the flow. Unless its between movement and shooting. If you see one from a team mate, do the other. Everyone is a distraction for each other, just don't get hit, make enemy miss, dodge fire while moving to cover, hold their attention, waste their ammo and they will get killed due to tunnel vision.
Tank + APC + IFV + Anti-air vehicle + Super FOBs + logi repairs = Invincibility Security Network... You will all at some point be up against or apart this formation to some degree of its full potential effectiveness. This formation is one big booby trap. Once the enemy assets run into it getting reduced or all dead you have free reign over your enemy.
Only all these aspects together in view of each other in view distance of the objectives to support the infantry on objective will make you invincible. Other wise you will be considered isolated from the support and decreasing possible support to your team from you. The maps view distance is key to survival in Project Reality. Think about and feel why the view distance is set, then use it to your advantage.
You want 50 out of 50 of your team focused on the objective from your side of map to stay secure. Scan aggressively with eyes and ears for anything suspicious to get information on the battlefield. Request and remind all infantry to be listening posts for enemy armor sound direction.
Anti-air protects tanks and gives friendly CAS place to run for support. Maps without anti-air vehicle assets need to use the super FOB anti-air to control air space. Booby trap the air from the ground. Minimize incursions into enemy anti-air territory to grab and bait the enemy CAS, let them make the mistake of coming to you.
The enemy could use the same invincibility brigade formation to a certain degree either less or more than you. Assessment of enemy must be made to test their combat effectiveness to know if its safe to roll over them or if they have something that sends us away from them. Don't let the enemy move up physically or psychologically,
Area attack possibilities divided by Super FOBs, flags and tank positions (Flags, Super FOBs are not mobile so more likely to be area attacked, but tanks are high value).. Maintain artillery shell spread to deter enemy thinking area attack could be effective. IFV like the Bradley and BMP with anti-tank missiles support the tanks as mobile ATGM support. All lighter vehicles in view of the tanks will typically not be killed.
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All squad leaders. We have lots of new players. 3 simple things we accomplish within our squads to maintain teamwork standards.
1.) What we are doing, what kits we need, list off skill subject words needed to get their minds right, general list of options for objectives
2.) How the squad is going to move and work together within the squad and among all other squads
3.) Effective reaction to developments for your squad to survive, help another squad survive and complete objectives.
If you don't know what to say for your squad under the skills and movement for the best outcome while playing.. Simple instructions for your squad to repeat, it rhymes and is easy to remember.
-1 man per piece of cover, move cover 2 cover, stay in view of each other to save each other. Set spread to grenade, RPG, mortar, tank shell full time. 1 man hurt per explosion, 1 medic per man. 1 man hurt per tank shell. (Make enemy tank use 8 or more)
-Police up each others camouflage and exposure, let somebody know if they are sticking out. Do not fire unless you see the enemy see you, watch them until either the enemy or us goes out of view.
For reference on how to play based on FULL asset list, for the most powerful team. No other way around this, its what modern combat requires naturally for why the assets were developed to compliment each other.
-Tank + APC + Anti-Air vehicle + logi repairs + jeep all in view of each other, area attack spread, in view of the flags and infantry. USE TEAMWORK. Every vehicle has its role, but it needs to be used to its fullest potential realistically.
Example being the M1 Abrams tank has 10,000+ COAX rounds and not for accurate fire you all learned in Call Of Duty waiting to see a target. Its time to learn what that "random firing" in combat videos actually is.
Learn from "Combat Techniques of Fire" field manual. Learn intimately through your own perceptions on receiving end of bullets to identify 10+ specific uses of bullets. To understand their full physical psychological effect on the scale between Kill and Fear. (WATCH VIDEO BELOW FOR DEMONSTRATION).
The anti-air vehicles cover the air space for tanks to work in view distance of the flags, the APCs create dust trails, logi can shield or conceal the side of a tank. Endless tactics to try on the objectives to bring it all together.
That is the way DEVs intended us to play, this is the definition of Combined arms and this is a Combined Arms strategy teamwork FPS game. Basically emulating and simulating combat reality. You can divide area attack between super FOBs off flags, mobile tank positions off flags and the flag itself, they can only hit one.
Divide your enemies attention and leave no friendly un-supported, make enemy shoot at 2 or more things instead of one. Control your enemy, understand and manipulate their perceptions. Make them lose hope in winning giving them the feeling of lacking support.
A logi, APC or jeep can sit at distance in view of enemy tanks as long as its in view equally behind or among friendly tanks. Because its not a priority target during tank engagements of actual shooting or stand offs. That means no extra enemy tanks outnumbering. Logi follows in mortar spread, close enough to save vehicle on fire and shield it for repairs so 12 second or less distance.
This is what I call the Brigade booby trap formation where every asset compliments the other, naturally by its labeled role. But supplemented by the full potential behind each asset with their 1000s skills, tactics, observations, creative methods to protect your friendlies and manipulate the enemy
Everything follows the Omaha boat logic, 1 boat gets killed fast, but many spread out takes longer to kill and more things to shoot at.
In a 50 vs 50 situation in the jungle, contact is made all go prone on both sides. One team is peeking with dominance and "peek" superiority. Which readies them for fire superiority waiting for a target to present itself from other side completely in cover. 1 man on non-dominant team peeks goes down fast and easy, but all 50 at once popping up is too much.
But there is a little extra trick to this situational tactic, before the hidden in cover side peeks all 50 up, use the sound of bullets snapping over head of enemy positions. Concept of pre-fire. Aiming to where just before you would see your enemies head/body, getting as close to firing over their head without hitting it because if you can see their head then they can see your head. This will give sudden reaction of fire superiority, 3-4 rounds on semi-auto, all at once.
You hear somebody on your team do something, you do it too. This removes the need to communicate and plan every little thing, just follow the flow. Unless its between movement and shooting. If you see one from a team mate, do the other. Everyone is a distraction for each other, just don't get hit, make enemy miss, dodge fire while moving to cover, hold their attention, waste their ammo and they will get killed due to tunnel vision.
Last edit: 2 years 11 months ago by Grump/Gump.45. Reason: TL:DR
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