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Grumps Admin Report : Daffugi ( +/- 1 year observations)

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2 years 11 months ago - 2 years 11 months ago #34069 by Grump/Gump.45
Never have I ever felt to do this. Watch his authoritarian personality disorder take more action against me, or watch me closer for any false reason to manipulate and get rid of me. Me making this report should not elicit a closer eye on me. He could still do it and mask it saying he is not, but like Lespyd said to somebody he banned, [GG] Glybb I think "we are smart enough to see around peoples BS". In retaliation for taking the issue to the forums where it belongs.

Its like reporting a bad cop, they follow you, their corrupt partners mess with you. Like he did for the usual teamwork things I did today with logi supplies and repairs. Authoritarians get what they deserve, they wouldn't be existing to even report for duty anymore if it was handled propper just to make the world a better place making examples of other bad actors.

If he doesn't take more action by false need to more closely watch me due to his need for retaliation. I credit me saying this as protecting me from retaliation and a possible fear of power draw back or removal by the head. Not his inner moral authority guidance system to credit, but fear of higher authority and exposure that guides him. For if he is not arrogant he will WATCH HIMSELF. You applied for power but you did not earn it, they felt you would be suitable enough due to manipulation of what they see and you playing favorites. Displaying symptoms across a wide swath of disorders being 2 faced for power.

Now let me tell you my experience with this guy. Long term and todays incident of me getting targeted for doing armor repairs and logistics supply seeding crates for our team on the map, as I do at least once everyday. I have held back on Daffugi long enough, I only speak for myself here in this context but I haven't liked him since I noticed him and I ask around.

Any invalid opinion, on which my treatment others they bring on themselves naturally where somebody could either decide "stay calm or let em have it". Sometimes I opt for let them have it.  By provoking me just speaking tactics, cutting me off, dis-respecting me, enjoying pissing me or doing this stuff to other people. They do it to me because I stand out for teamwork during briefing, where people spam nonsense and useless stuff. I have always been a target for bullies all my life, I lash out at them when they provoke me. I won't ignore everyone all the time, or they won't improve or get better. They will keep messing with me and others if I don't assert myself, stepping on us like landmines on purpose figuratively for fun. 

Nobody else likes Daffugi either, I ask people I know I can trust to distinguish between admin being abusive and doing his job. No point asking a troll, its like asking a right violating criminal in jail if he likes police for doing their job. But when the enforcers violate rights of others, its a problem, that is when I hate authority. Clearly they applied for it and it wasn't earned from the bottom. Problem is do higher ups care to do anything in the future or they support corrupt work.

I have had no issues with no other admins, except being killed for a suggesting in private to Lespyd about the current sample of players he was kicking at the time on Dovre Winter. I thought that was some BS, nobody ever suggested it before and I tell people myself all the time "You won't have problems with the admins as long as you do teamwork, skills and teach them. You will be so busy with that you can't possibly get in trouble unless you deviate away from that."

First off, check the report from me while back where an admin told me "we can't regulate game play" when PRID squad was waiting at the next non-active AAS flag telling us "all you guys down there can't cap" when enemy has only one flag to defend with 50 guys on Kassel night map. I got regulated for running supplies and armor repairs, when even logistics squad is allowed in server. I only ever made one report of that nature, then avoided the nature of those reports when told gameplay can't be admin. Even though there is a programmed warning for cohesion and others of that nature.

About my simple 1 sentence tactics I coordinate to the specific map, leaving out what doesn't apply or need to be said. If you don't do something about the people who tell me a in briefing "shut up nobody cares" I will do that to these players who say it to me. I only speak this stuff during team briefing time, not during squad briefing time. They need to learn empathy, that is my medicine for this world against toxic people, authoritarians and trolls who want power over others. Empathy to teach them and tactics to defeat them. . They want me to shut up just so they can spam nonsense unrelated to the game on local before squad time when its team time or have a complete awkward silence because of them. Its all to provoke me. I say it then I bring it together. I'm trying to get a Michael Bay Movie out of all rounds I play.

Incident #1

When I spoke in Squad Leader chat my intentions for this Grozny game with the logi I had where incident happened, Peavy yells in local during squad time "shut up you penis". Just blurting it out, no admin action against him. While both Peavy and Daffugi were squad leaders, so Daffugi heard it. So might be difficult when he is the admin on duty. If people dis-respect me I dis-respect them, simple as that, but applying for authority positions like Peavy versus earning it might be dangerous to GIVE PEAVY A TASTE OF HIS OWN INEFFECTIVE OLD ASS EXPIRED MEDICINE.

Incident #2 

I just got kicked because Daffugi said I was one manning a logi, which is normal for a 2 seater logi. I build super FOB lines, I do repairs, I run supplies. Basically everything the game intended. Daffugi has always been one of the players against my teamwork tactics, today he let it be known. Logistics trucks typically get used and left somewhere, or destroyed by getting cut off.

. 2 incidents. "RTB Logi you are one manning" warning. When I said what i was going to do over SL chat with a single sentence in briefing (seed crates for FOBs, repairs and RTB) before the warning, after the warning said it again and just before the kick... Which I do every day in some form.

Admin Abuse report on Daffugi. Long term experience with and Direct incident.

Before any invalid response to my own medicine is made, meaning both my outward character flaws you hate and the good one you like, there will always be tactics no matter the emotion, always teamwork even if they negatively interact with me. Can't say the same about their treatment toward me, acting like I didn't give them good rounds before. Its like suddenly they forget or don't want tactics. They play to kill, I do the other work.

My medicine people provoke to spill over, it is medicine for them pushing the buttons of the wrong person. They need to be pushed back, that is what I do to my enemies. I pre-fire any approach they can take before they take it. They avoid that type of negative interaction with me again if they trace what they did, some people stay calm and they will never change doing what they want to others. Trolls get full enjoyment out of it making the world a worse place. You can't give the medicine source bottle its own medicine, that is just refilling the source to spill over again and create an issue.

I don't do anything negative to anybody unless they are giving me negative interaction, then its only brief and social as you would expect. But people think they can do things to others and get away with it legally or socially.

But that doesn't mean I steal trucks or do anything that somebody wouldn't like even if the rules have nothing against it. Only thing negative about me is socially. Or I will heavily compromise, like bringing a recovered HAT kit with my vehicle to trade them for what I want. I have held back on Daffugi long enough.

Some players have nowhere to learn, if encouraged to learn skills by admin they have much more of their brain occupied with teamwork and growth. Tactical thinking versus useless troll thinking. But authoritarian personality disorders and egos of idea persist where not needed. .

About a year ago or less, he was the only admin who didn't weigh toleration of my negative character flaws versus getting better players through simple sentences of "1 man per cover". I never got admin action for anything other than being told to calm down in the past 2 years and a few AFK kicks.

I'm sure tons of false or exaggerated reports caused by me kicking people from my squad. I can only say "1 man per cover, 1 man hurt per RPG, 1 man per medic, 1 man dig each thing" calmly so many times before I get angry. They casually just don't listen like I don't mean it.

I am honest and could go through each incident report by each player with you guys and explain everything if the report jogs my memory of the interaction with that player. Or a more outside rare player witness or appears as that by being somebody already kicked from my squad reporting me in my interactions with my squad.

The only people who make me mad, typically also piss off the admins because they are trolls who have no social cues and cut people off when they are speaking. Especially on the subject of simple tactics. If they did teamwork they wouldn't have incidents they wouldn't be the same people up in ban appeals. I give them something else to do other than troll, unless I can't convince them.

I only got angry telling me to shut up, when I explain tactics in briefing that we need to win. Its the same people you find in the ban appeals. Whenever these toxic people are there we lose.... ALWAYS EARLY MORNING WHEN RETARDS ARE ON, that is why he applied because he fills your morning slot, that is why people are having issues with him. I can divide admin doing his job versus targeting somebody.

Toxic trolls you find in the ban appeals like to provoke people for fun. Because in modern world peoples emotions and reactions are toys to them because over the computer nobody can really bring violence to them for talking smack.

He supports these people by pushing my buttons further, I make armor repairs squad, explained what I was going to do in regards to placing repair stations or RTB.. Then I get a false admin warning report stacked on by Daffugi for "RTB logi you are one manning".. Tacking onto it. Lots of people hate him. Actually everyone but me hates the admins on here, just all of them they group you guys up. But I can divide abuse of power versus doing your job to prevent what one player does spreading. Gotta show some things are not OK by admin I understand that, but me attempting teamwork when the team is giving me crap.

Not even for the fact I got angry earlier I was reported, I barely expressed it by saying "I could talk calmly to you guys but you gotta cut people off when they are speaking and tell them to shut up when giving tactics and strategy". We don't deny each others strategy, we either build on to it and adjust strategy the more good ideas we hear.

When in reality we had 2 logis, I seeded 2 crates already, dropped repairs at tank cut off point and went to RTB. No request for crates was put out to me when I said to call for crates.

Since nobody was at defensive flag I drive by, we lose logi to RKG guy anyways, who was saving RPG for APCs I suppose. I wait in main for another logi truck, I get it and do commo-rose "requesting repairs" and "vehicle on the way" hopefully people pick up on that means repairs up to request. Which they typically do after that. I saw this possibility already cause it was Grozny AAS layout North to south from airport with militia city spawn... So why does logi matter to daffugi? It didn't I wasn't using it as a taxi, I was using it the way I usually do. When the goodmin admins are on I have no issues. Not badmins like Daffugi, I honestly hate to see him and only fear him due to authority.

BASICALLY I AM HIGHER IQ THAN THESE NEGATIVE ENERGY LOW LEVEL PRICKS WHO FEED OFF TROLLING OTHERS. He mis-identifies my anger as not being caused by people who yell things to cut me off in chat or say "shut up, nobody cares" OR he wants to add onto it to provoke me further into something "illegal". Which doesn't work on me. People try to provoke me to kill them for intentional TKs, I can see the negative intent behind people because like you told somebody banned. We can see through the crap and lies.

I get enough false reports from people who I kick for not doing "1 man per cover, 1 man hurt per RPG, 1 man digs each asset for spread". The simple things I say in so many ways. People can't do, I kick them to get somebody better, opening a slot or 7. I get so many false overexaggerated reports against me I assume, I would be surprised if the people I kicked or made angry were all honest telling it like it is. Basically within my squad with me sticking inside the rules.
Last edit: 2 years 11 months ago by Grump/Gump.45.
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2 years 11 months ago - 2 years 11 months ago #34076 by =MeRk= Sir-Archer
Replied by =MeRk= Sir-Archer on topic Grumps Admin Report : Daffugi ( +/- 1 year observations)

Incident #1

When I spoke in Squad Leader chat my intentions for this Grozny game with the logi I had where incident happened, Peavy yells in local during squad time "shut up you penis". Just blurting it out, no admin action against him. While both Peavy and Daffugi were squad leaders, so Daffugi heard it. So might be difficult when he is the admin on duty. If people dis-respect me I dis-respect them, simple as that, but applying for authority positions like Peavy versus earning it might be dangerous to GIVE PEAVY A TASTE OF HIS OWN INEFFECTIVE OLD ASS EXPIRED MEDICINE.


I was commander when this happened and yes Peavy said "shut up you penis" as it was squad time (40-45 seconds were remaining before the start of the round) and we were discussing if we had UAV on this layout. You could have said it before the squad time sinceit was not a vital information like " squad X is going to cap the first flag etc."

Since nobody was at defensive flag I drive by, we lose logi to RKG guy anyways, who was saving RPG for APCs I suppose. 

Now I am offended... Check your facts please 

Warning: Spoiler!
Last edit: 2 years 11 months ago by =MeRk= Sir-Archer.
2 years 11 months ago #34079 by findaffugi
Yes, its quite easy way to get kicked. Soloing logi in oneman sq. Not listening while asking to return logi back to base.

I asked you to return it, you replied 'or what or what'...
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2 years 11 months ago - 2 years 11 months ago #34107 by Grump/Gump.45
I said "For what? Who needs supplies?" then I get kicked. Not "or what or what?". You shouldn't have power just because you apply for it, that is asinine especially the way YOU IN SPECIFIC use it. Player he doesn't like he wants to get rid of so people can do the non-teamwork Call of Duty play style a small amount of players want trying to ruin it for all. Teamwork scale of 0-10. The type of people who are new saying "its just a game" killing the standard we had in 2016 when I first started in PR. It got worse after the Fortnite kids grew up. People who play since 2005 haven't figured the logi is the armor medic because they never put those thoughts through their head.

I RTB the first one for more supplies to run to somebody and got killed. In the past I have driven to squads to give them the entire truck when they want it for making a FOB chain, sacrificing my time to walk. But not a single squad requested I give the truck to them which is only ever temporary till they abandon it. So I have no problem giving up a logi, me holding on to it is better than somebody taxi the logi to spot on map you can't see it highlighted anymore. I will give the logi to any friendly squad except the battlefield itself. So that clearly is not the issue here and there were other solutions.

I do things like this for others. I see people only do things for themselves on here. Warned for running supplies and repairs for the team, you should not be an admin.. 2nd, telling in squad leader chat "My squad goes here" and me saying "Ill do repairs, supplies" is THE SAME THING. More BS out of you, saying what your squad is going to do. First time I heard of "dont say that at 30 or 40 second mark". Not a rule, its a preference which you people definitely hypocritically break off record. For a 1 man squad, which I had 3 other people who joined later if I remember right when I was kicked what else is there to do but armor repairs?

Logi trucks have only 2 seats. Only time I have seen somebody kicked for logi is taxi the logi then abandon. Never does anybody get kicked for running supplies and repairs. YOU ARE A PROBLEM FOR OTHERS DAFFUGI, I will not let the lightness of a kick for something I do all the time continue on as admin abuse. YOU KNOW HOW I PLAY.

MERK clan was all together that day, you ALL know how they can get, worse when they have active admin in their clan doing what they want to people they troll and provoke. People to lie for them right there, majority of dis-honest trolls against one guy who know not to lie. Delete U ALL and Saddam I have no issues with, let me make that clear. But it seems MERK is taking over admin stuff, which is only bad when they are all on together. Never been bad for me, but with other players I hear complaining about clans yes they notice non HOG admins is majority MERK.

. I made it clear I understood that we only had 2 logistic trucks which adjusts my tasking compared to if we have choppers. I told you my solution over squad leader chat, and partially over team chat when somebody say "=less supplies" in response to what I said about logi. You don't understand this or you don't know how you would adjust this yourself to maintain teamwork. So because you don't know how to play or adjust, you take action against me and you shouldn't be making those decisions for our team. I understood our team had only 2 logistic trucks, you don't actually know what that means in your very limited span of thinking of the situation. Seeing I already offered teamwork solution with my never changing willingness to do teamwork and help others no matter how they treat me.

Logi finding the balance between doing armor repairs in view at the distance of "how long it takes vehicle on fire to blow up" is how the game is supposed to be played. ARMOR HAS A MEDIC, Just like infantry has a medic. Read the asset list and the kit lists, put the teamwork together based on what each thing has and its capability. Then what the team can do, maybe then you can play right. This is why I was kicked.

Why is nothing done when we have not chopper assets but mortar squad takes logi trucks to resupply when they should switch off for a transport trucks crates. Lets not mention this passive aggressiveness started when I told funny story about kicking entire squad for not listening to "1 man dig each thing" when its literally my only order to dig something so its all done at same time with nobody at risk of dying all in one spot. 1 man hurt per tank shell, 1 hurt per RPG, 1 hurt per grenade all the time unless getting medic. Early in the briefing as a short example story of the same repeated mistake of everyone getting blown up in one spot. I get troll responses "Maybe you are bad SL" then bunch of other useless non-constructive critical statements.

I was going to get a super FOB down outside the airport at some point that round, as I have done in the past right on the outside edge of DOD, giving the enemy 2 possible things to area attack, flag and FOB. Another super FOB divides that even more. Then if armor helped up defend they need a 3rd and 4th position separate from super FOB to divide area attack choices and make the spread of armor not worth the area attack. Make the Super FOB line a bigger spawn and projectile sending problem than the flag.

I RTB under concern for out teams supplies primarily and secondarily for your warning when I should have just RTB with any armor piece like I usually do... When I have a logi I use its full potential while everyone else abandons it somewhere when done. Never had I had this issue before... THEREFORE YOU ARE THE ISSUE. I was not using logi to taxi, I never do. I was seeding supplies on our side of map till crate requested and dropping repairs for armor to run back to until I could confidently follow them without worrying about supplies for rest of team for a while.

Keep in mind, I was told "we cannot admin game play" when I reported PRID clan squad few weeks/months ago for "Waiting at next AAS flag that is not in play" on the Kassel night layout where USA doesn't need to defend. They sat there saying "come on, all you guys down there can't cap" from a teenage squad leader PRID Anjar. The Germans had one flag to defend at the moment. But when I try to play dead with my entire squad on Grozny maybe a year before, I get admin threats for pretending to be dead with whole squad in defensive cap zone as defensive method. I wanted enemy to walk by us we can pop up and kill them in a scary way at least once before they catch on. SO MUCH INCONSISTENCY.

You kicking me was a bunch of BS. First time I got kicked for playing the game the way its supposed to be played. As one of the only people who follows it like the logical directions of a board game. Anti-air vehicles get solo all the time and they are just as important as logi repairs to keep it all alive.

You are just an authoritarian who applied to be an admin, that was not earned, they thought you might fit due to manipulating outward image to potential employers. But clearly you have your own motives that deviate away from why others become admin, first time I was kicked for playing game way its supposed to be played.

I left the logi for an extra minute or 2 in main, longer than the 5 minutes I waited for it to respawn. Anybody could have gotten it, what if a worse player got it? You probably would not have noticed.

You have seen me more than likely run supplies and repairs. If not its due to lack of appreciation for that. Armor Repair was the squad name. Squad names like "1 per cover"..."armor repair" say for the new people how to play. Armor has logi for the medic.
Last edit: 2 years 11 months ago by Grump/Gump.45.
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2 years 11 months ago #34108 by Grump/Gump.45

Since nobody was at defensive flag I drive by, we lose logi to RKG guy anyways, who was saving RPG for APCs I suppose. 

Now I am offended... Check your facts please 

Warning: Spoiler!

Not saying its your fault, but my only other solution was to drive north side of airport, where I anticipated some guy with a RPG to have rushed that edge of the map. The bumps slowed me down making easier to hit. BTR was safe just to the east so I wrongly assumed. If I was not under supply concern and the admin warning concern, I would not have RTB unless there was request for crates.

All our forces attacking through the city providing no defensive barrier between friendly and enemy flag. Also not in view of each other getting to enemy flag at different times without armor to help clear out the buildings. Round was going strong already with enemy armor down at start, I dropped armor repairs at far east bridge over the river then made the trip to RTB. No wonder the logi got killed.

Another person could have gotten their squad into the trees where I died as a temporary barrier and quick fun way to make the enemy paranoid of that forest approach cause tracers coming from tree tops. Oh wait... I am the only one who does those cool things compared to only playing Project Reality on the ground like its a big Call of Duty map. Super FOBs, tree men, armor formations locked down with 1000 little cool tips, tricks to play on enemy and tactics out of 25 skill subjects.
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2 years 11 months ago #34110 by Kirbs
but for real tho how do you track your stats?
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