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The Great MOPA goodbye, N* word and freedom(part of philosophy workfor you guys)

  • MOPA
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4 years 2 weeks ago #29127 by MOPA
Good morning my friends. I had the idea to send you this text because yesterday, while playing Saaremaa, a boy from the Caucasus was asked by another who said "everything is in respect. you have to respect". With a frightening naturalness the boy from the Caucasus said to him "Why?"

1 - The great MOPA is leaving PR after this sunday for a big time. No more time. Maybe He will be back one day
2 - MOPA sees the ban on the word N***( its just an exemplo of many many other banned speachs) and is VERY CONCERNED by the real understanding of what is happening in the world today. Anyone can think "who in this world is not against the prohibition of that word?". Well lets think again???
3 - This is what MOPA as a philosopher does in his real life. He makes people question themselves and question what they have learned. Pay attention.
4 - Let's replace the word N *** with sexual gender. if a man has 200 pounds and wants to be called a woman and wants to fight MMA in the female category what can you do? "you HAVE TO respect". Even if this "female fighter" hits her opponent so badly that it causes a near fatal head trauma (search the news on google. You will be surprised). 
Pay attention to the last sentence. The words HAVE TO is capitalized for good reason.
5 - Respect is a word that does not exist in reality. For example: "respect your father". Respect can be replaced by "be afraid of", "honor yours", "revere yours". So, people who flaunt "you HAVE TO respect" with such haughtiness, as this makes them feel noble and good in some way, are actually advocating for tyranny. Whether they know it or not.

Thats the best exemple you will ever see

6 - Gender ideology is not a scientific, social or religious consensus, but even so, in our fragile and dominated society you "HAVE TO respect". Now let's take a look at the recent past. 300 years only
7- Did you know that the slavery of BLACK brothers in the USA was a consensus? It had scientific backing. It had economic support, since it was the basis of the American economy. It was great part of American culture. And, amazingly, it had a RELIGIOUS backing. Protestants of the time found a way to back up the absurdity of black slavery in proto-Christian Assyrian texts that said "Blacks are black because they have the CAIM mark described in Genesis, so they destiny is serve the white"
8 - But then why were the slaves freed? Because somebody DIDN'T RESPECT. The rest of the story you already know MOPA will not tell here. But the important thing is: SOMEONE DIDN'T RESPECT the common thread. Someone DIDN'T RESPECT the economy. Someone DIDN'T RESPECT religion or culture.
9 - Now imagine this situation these days? Blacks would die slaves because we, inside our homes, inside our PR games, inside our own minds we say to ourselves: YOU HAVE TO RESPECT.  And on top of that we attack those who think RESPECT MUST BE DESERVED AND NOT REQUIRED. 
10 - The fall of our Judeo-Christian society is orchestrated in the highest spheres of the world today. And its 3 pillars have to be destroyed. 1 of them is freedom of expression. That is why freedom of expression is the first amendment to the American constitution. Weapon ownership is the second to maintain the first. The founding fathers knew that when the people could not speak what they wanted, right or wrong, they would stride towards tyranny.
11 - That is why I, the great MOPA, am totally against calling someone Negger (or whatever the word or the speech is), but I am totally in favor, and would fight and die, for your right to say the shit that you want to say.
12 - This is not about one person's broken feeling for another's bad words. this is about our freedom, of my children, and of an entire people. that's why i go back to the caucasian friend. Anyone who has lived under tyranny (in his case COMMUNISM), knows that censorship is only the first nail in the coffin of freedom. Then there are the walls and the shootings. Anyone who has lived under tyranny, especially today in which we live the "tyranny of the good", knows that RESPECT IS NOT REQUIRED, IT IS CONQUERED "
13 - Farewell my friends. Maybe one day i will play with you again. Who knows

The following user(s) said Thank You: bobolee, Ian, Tom Tucker
3 years 6 months ago #31536 by Tom Tucker
Good points, well made.
Related thread: HERE
3 years 6 months ago #31538 by Chuva
MOPA great thoughts, it reads like a riddle reading through which you question what do you really know and what can you possibly understand.

I have a strong feeling Fecht Niko bitten you recently that you wrapped your mind around respect so much. Taking historical facts aside I only want to mention that respect and honor as the highest value, valuing words so much that you can be conquered (killed) for them are signs of prison culture. In it obtaining respect is a zero-sum game in which dignity is a privilege. Not saying N-word because you wish everyone to have dignity and be respected is somewhat better motivation than just being forbidden. It is a pillar of humanistic values creating civil society instead of a rat pit where you eat or be eaten.
  • =HOG=Justice
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3 years 6 months ago #31539 by =HOG=Justice
You're forgetting one major point, this is a private server, run privately by a private party. This server is not run by an institution, much less a government agency. I agree that people should have the right to say whatever they want, but they should also understand that there are and will be consequences. If you want to be philosophical, remember this: Not agreeing with or believing in something does not immediately render it non existent. It does not relieve you of any repercussions. You can choose to not believe in gravity, does that mean you will not fall if you jump off of a building? Likewise, you can choose to not believe in censorship, but saying anything in order to portray an idea that other people are inferior to you based on things which are out of their control will result in a cause-and-effect seeing how there are rules set in place which prohibits that.

Isn't it a textbook characteristic of a dictatorship to not allow private people to participate in private matters without government intrusion? So, in saying that you do not agree with private people running a private server in which they have made their own rules, is that not an attempt to "censor" privacy? Do you see the irony and hypocrisy?

=HOG= Server Admin
The following user(s) said Thank You: =HOG=Haley11thACR, SLATuAn, Deleted
3 years 5 months ago #31664 by Tom Tucker

Isn't it a textbook characteristic of a dictatorship to not allow private people to participate in private matters without government intrusion? So, in saying that you do not agree with private people running a private server in which they have made their own rules, is that not an attempt to "censor" privacy? Do you see the irony and hypocrisy?

I see irony and hypocrisy there, but not in the way you probably had in mind. The freedom from censorship by a dictatorship is worth something because it permits a general atmosphere of freedom. Saying that you want to use your freedom to censor other people's freedom is an abuse, and not merely a use of your own freedom.

If you get enough people together in one place, eventually you will reach a point where someone is offended by something. If we don't want dictatorships in any form, then we have to let individuals decide for themselves what they say, and what they do not. Growing a thick skin is a basic part of growing up. Increasingly white people are getting used to this, since social media seems increasingly to allow hate-speech directed against that particular group. If whites are expected to cope with this but other racial groups are not, then there seems to be a double standard in operation.

Anyway, it is very good that at least a degree of freedom exists in this forum, so that we can have the debate here. Even if certain language is not allowed, we can at least use allowable language to have a conversation about the moral status of such a situation.
3 years 4 months ago #31822 by Trekker
really felt like this was gonna last longer than a couple weeks ...glad to see you again though
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